Private Virtual Ballroom Dance Lessons
Via Zoom or Facetime
"The most fun you will ever have learning to dance...
from your home...anywhere in the world!"
Sadly, Covid-19 is not gone. As of July 15th, 2022, over 400 people are being diagnosed with Covid every day, in Fairfax County, VA, alone.
But it doesn't mean you have to give up dancing! I am fully vaccinated and have had two boosters, and always wear a protective mask when I teach in person. However, there IS another option.
I am currently offering FUN ONLINE dance lessons through Facetime and Zoom.
Students taking virtual dance lessons at home really enjoy being able to get regular
exercise and continue fun dance lessons in the comfort of their own homes, and feel less isolated and lonely by
connecting with me"face-to-face" on your smart phone, computer, laptop or tablet!
No matter where you live, anywhere in the U.S. or abroad, you or a loved one can enjoy learning
to dance or renewing the spark of romance with your spouse or romantic partner, or get extra attention
to improve your style and technique, and mastering dance moves that will enable you to
"dance like no one's watching" when you get back on a dance floor when it's safe to do that.
Contact me today to ask questions or to schedule some in-home virtual dance lessons via Zoom or Facetime,
for yourself, for you and a partner, or for an isolated, lonely friend or family member.
Be safe, be well, and have fun! Let's dance!
Taking private dance lessons is the fastest way to learn to dance well, increase your confidence, and to have more fun dancing.
In my 45-minute or 60-minute private dance lessons you'll get my undivided attention and your dance lessons will be perfectly tailored for your skill level, your learning style and the dances you're most interested in learning. And you'll be able to progess at your own speed. I'll be able to identify and correct any bad habits you might develop before they get entrenched.